Tutankhamun – a lunar deity or a crescent Mars?
Tutankhamun was depicted as a lunar god… why?
Answer: Tutankhamun was just one of the many guises of the Horus Mars and for a brief period Mars/Tutankhamun exhibited similar crescent phases to that of our recently captured moon (Thoth).

Tutankhamun had a number of pectorals. This piece is built using gold, silver and semi-precious stones and is an excellent example of cloisonné.
The central element is a scarab made form a translucent green chalcedony. Attached to it are the open wings and tail of a vulture (Nekhebet) which are inlayed with coloured glass. The legs of the bird are grasping the shen hieroglyph which is the symbol of eternity. It is also holding a bunch of lotus flowers (right) and a lily (left), symbols of Upper (Southern) Egypt.
Below the vulture’s tail are garlands of lotus (Upper Egypt) and papyrus (Lower Egypt). Flanking the scarab are the profiles of two cobra, inlaid with coloured glass paste and bearing yellow solar discs on their heads.
Resting on the vulture’s wings is a thin boat with a Wedjat eye, the left eye of Horus representing the moon and flanked by two face-on cobra with solar discs on their heads. This boat represents the journey taken by the moon which in Egyptian mythology sailed across the sky each night.
Above the boat is a silver lunar disc with a gold crescent. Three figures are shown on gold relief – the protagonists in a celestial coronation scene. In the centre Tutankhamun wearing a crown (with a moon above him) and flanked by two divinities making protective gestures – on the left is the ibis-headed moon god Thoth and on the right is the falcon-headed god Re-Horakhty.
The pectoral is a combination of symbolism, mixing moon and sun as heavenly bodies associated with the power of the Egyptian Kings.
Actually more recent analysis indicates that the central scarab is made of Libyan Desert glass formed from a meteorite impact in the desert (link).
Of interest here are the three deities shown in the lunar disk atop the pectoral reproduced below.

On the left we have the moon god Thoth wearing the disk-and-crescent symbol on his head. Tutankhamun holds centre stage wearing the exact same lunar symbolism directly above his Khepresh crown. On the right is Re-Horakhty, a falcon headed god sporting a ‘solar’ disk with uraeus. Thoth and Re-Horakhty are crowning the central figure of the king.
The symbolism couldn’t be clearer …
… it reveals Tutankhamun was revered as a lunar god!
In the center of this design is the King, Tutankhamun, also wearing a disk and crescent above his khepresh crown, a most unusual and atypical element for a king to wear.
The figure on the right is the god Re-Herakhty who wears a sun disk for his obvious association to the sun. The sun and the moon are thus incorporated into this triad with King Tutankhamun shown as a lunar god in this instance by the moon symbols above his crown.
Reinforcing the lunar concept are several other pieces of Tutankhamun’s jewelry.

Left: A winged scarab pectoral. A rebus of the king’s prenomen (Nebkheperure) except in this case it supports the moon and a crescent rather than the sun, or Re element (see here). Right: Part of a Necklace with lunar Pectoral.
The frequent incorporation of the disk and crescent of the moon in the jewelry of King Tutankhamun as well as a representation of this king wearing these symbols, implying that he is a lunar deity, reveal a change in thought and iconography in Tutankhamun’s reign.
There also exists text where the king is called “He Who is Fully Reborn Each Month,” which is proposed to be a reference to the king’s “moon-like,” identity (KMT magazine spring 2009 Vol 20 No 1 p38).
The question remains … how can a human being be considered as a lunar deity?
The GKS provides answers.
Under the divine protection of the sky god Horus, Tutankhamun was just one of many pharaonic names given to Mars. Tutankhamun/Mars reigned over Egypt at the end of the Amarna Period – said to be the time when the Egyptians dabbled in some kind of quasi-monotheistic belief by renaming the Sun Re as “the Aten.” An absurd notion to say the least.
The Amarna Period is a time ordered account of the birth of Mercury from Mars – that is to say the iron core of Mars was sucked out to become the planet we call Mercury. The Egyptians worshipped it as “the Aten” or “Disk of Re,” because it was just that, a disk that for a time took on the attributes of the Sun – not Re by itself but a disk or orb of Re – one of many physical manifestations of the Sun during ancient times. See more here.
Mercury’s genesis (Amarna Era) was essentially down to the larger magnet of earth (earth’s iron core) extracting the smaller iron magnet of Mars. An event that saw Mars drawn into a near geosynchronous orbit with earth. It led to Mars becoming a moon of earth and, as such, it exhibited moon-like traits, more specifically crescent phases.
This is why Tutankhamun was portrayed as a lunar god – the body of Mars was physically seen to wax and wane similar to the Moon today. This also explains the lunar symbolism surrounding the divine king Tutankhamun. The crescent adornments were very similar to those of our recently captured Moon/Thoth, hence Tut/Mars was depicted wearing the same moon symbols as Thoth. It could be said, Tut/Mars was one with the lunar deity.
All celestial kings were Horus incarnate when reigning over earth. Re-Horakhty was just one of the many forms of Horus. He represented a Horus body, in the image of Re, on the horizon. In short, Ra-Horakhty = the Re/Horus/Mars of the horizons. Now, Tut’s reign was unique, it was probably the only time errant Mars appeared crescented. Tut/Mars main appearance (as other bodies) was that of an incandescent red orb – an almost mirror image of the Red Sun. Sacred text on the side of king Tut’s painted wooded chest clearly support this.
“The perfect god, the image of the Sun rising over foreign lands, like Re when he appears…”
This is the reason why the god Re-Horakhty joins the god Thoth in crowning Tut/Mars in the image above. As well as being one with Thoth, Tut/Mars was also one with the ‘sun-like’ Re-Horakhty.
More examples of the lunar symbolism surrounding Tutankhamun.

red orb and golden crescented disk.

Ancient Egypt is ancient planetary upheaval.