Recent Planetary Chaos?
In the 1950s, Immanuel Velikovsky, a Russian phychologist (1895-1979), wrote a book called Worlds in Collision. Although a bestseller, Velikovsky’s theories were rejected or ignored by the academic community. Why was this?
Velikovsky stated that Venus was a new planet recently born from Jupiter and that along with Mars, Venus entered into encounters with Earth causing vast upheavals in early history. These cosmic wars affected the lives, beliefs and writings of early mankind.
- Was Velikovsky correct in proposing recent upheaval in the Solar System?
- Did Mars and Venus cause global disturbances by coming close to Earth only a few thousand years ago?
Followers of Velikovsky (Catastrophists) believe this to be true and science is slowly proving Velikovsky to be correct in a number of areas. For example, it is now generally accepted that Mars was once a planet very similar to Earth. Sometime in its past it suffered a cataclysmic upheaval which led to its now frozen desolate state.
Although lacking a feasible explanation, planetary scientists believe the demise of Mars occurred billions of years ago. On the other hand, catastrophists believe Mars was torn apart only a few thousand years ago. But how do we prove the Solar System is a smoking gun?
Although Velikovsky’s supporters contend that science has largely been ignored, it will prove to be the ultimate judge and jury. However, a more immediate problem which faces catastrophists is mythology. In presenting a case for recent planetary chaos, catastrophists invariably turn to ancient myths and legends. This is unavoidable because, if such events occurred in historical times, then logically ancient cultures would have recorded them. Herein lies a major problem that has dogged catastrophists since Velikovsky’s time.
Presenting ancient tales as proof that errant planets recently roamed the cosmos will struggle to be accepted as valid evidence. There are too many interpretations, variables and inconsistencies. Mythology is a body of stories created by our ancestors to explain the nature of the universe and their place in it. With this mindset, it is not surprising that catastrophism has reached an impasse.
Is there a way forward?
Yes there is! As a fully fledged catastrophist, I believe the solar system has undergone a radical upheaval in the history of man and I intend to prove it. I will start by giving a brief overview of cosmic chaos to establish where these events were written down in history and reinforced by mythology.
Approximately 5,200 years ago (3200 BC), the solar system differed considerably from today. The planets Venus and Mercury did not exist and the Earth had no Moon. Mars was a lush green planet replete with land masses, oceans and an atmosphere. Mars harboured abundant life (intelligent life, but that’s another story!) and was a replica of Earth, only smaller.

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. Currently shrinking as cosmic chaos settles.
Cosmic chaos began when a giant interloper entered our solar system and smashed into Jupiter, the largest planet. It caused an apocalyptic explosion which resulted in the birth of Venus and unimaginable quantities of space debris. Among the debris was a small body which became our Moon.
The evidence for the initial cataclysmic explosion is still with us today in the form of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (erroneously believed to be a raging storm) and the Asteroid belt which is a rocky band of debris between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
Shortly after its cataclysmic birth, Venus disturbed Mars from its stable orbit and they both took on highly erratic and elliptical orbits close to and in the vicinity of Earth’s orbit. This led to hundreds of encounters with Earth in a ‘celestial dance’ which lasted 3,000 years. It became a perennial cycle of death and rebirth as Mars and Venus ‘appeared’ to move back and forth to Earth.
After approximately 2,000 years of encounters with Earth, the huge electromagnetic forces exerted upon Mars caused a momentous event. The larger ‘magnet’ of Earth tore out the smaller magnetic heart of Mars. Its solid iron core, its working dynamo, was sucked out to become the planet known as Mercury (Egyptian Aten). A second “Glorious Sun-Disk of all Lands” (an actual title) was born!

The enormous Valles Marineris chasm on Mars. The length is the same diameter as the iron planet Mercury. This is no coincidence!
The evidence for the genesis of Mercury is still visible today in the form of the Valles Marineris. This is an enormous scar on the surface of Mars with a length approximately the same diameter as Mercury. Surely this is no coincidence!
After its birth, Mercury joined Mars and Venus in their celestial encounters with Earth. For 700 to 800 years they were granted ‘life’ as they approached Earth, only to ‘die’ as they moved away to become gigantic stars in the Kingdom of Osiris.
Amidst this cosmic melee, the Moon, assisted by Mars and Venus was slowly pulled into orbit around the Earth. Its erratic orbit settled into its recognisable 28½ day monthly cycle in a process that took several hundred years.

It has been suggested that the Iron planet Mercury was once the core of a planet. Well it was… Mars!
The birth of Mercury signalled the beginning of the end of cosmic chaos. It was as though a cosmic elastic band snapped allowing the planets to move away from the Earth to settle into relatively stable orbits around the Sun. Mercury and Venus became the first and second rocks from the Sun respectively, while Earth was third and Mars was fourth leaving the Moon to become Earth’s permanent companion.
Having proposed a rough sequential order of events, I will now prove that this information was recorded by our ancestors and is staring us in the face via ancient history.
You may be wondering where these events were recorded.
- Where is it written that Mars and Venus visited Earth numerous times to dominate the heavens for thousands of years?
- Where does it say that this original divine couple were later joined by Mercury and the Moon?
The God King Scenario (GKS)
The key to cosmic chaos lies with one of the most awe inspiring civilisations – the ancient Egyptians. It is centred on the pinnacle of Egyptian society, the divine monarchy of ancient Egypt – the god kings or “Living Gods.” This is the crux of the theory.
The God King Scenario (GKS) deems that the monarchy of ancient Egypt were first and foremost guises of primarily Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon as they appeared to repeatedly move back and forth to Earth (from Earth’s POV) in cosmic encounters lasting 3,000 years (Pharaonic Egypt). They were in the second instant represented here on earth numerous times over by humans who believed they were ‘at one’ or the earthly manifestation of astral bodies.
The Egyptians deified everything from simple phenomena such as moisture (Tefnut) to our perennial Red Sun (Ra) and the stars inhabiting the night sky. The planets in chaos were no exception. Mars and Venus, who were later joined by the Moon and Mercury, entered into hundreds of encounters with Earth. Each time they approached Earth, they were perceived as divine entities.
Yet these were not immortal, cosmological deities like the sun god Ra, or the mothering goddesses Hathor and Isis. The planet-gods were mortal and became ‘Living Gods’ as they approached Earth, only to die as they moved away to become gigantic stars (Osirians). This was a temporary death before they were transported to the next world which was believed to be a very real, physical firmament above. The Egyptians simply called it Upper Egypt, Earth was Lower Egypt.
Although the planets were mortal, in the hierarchy of the divine cosmos they were awarded the second-highest accolade. They were considered divine kings and queens sent down from heaven by universal gods to rule the Earth. They lived, died, fought great battles and performed wonderful acts as the true royal family of ancient Egypt.
In this male dominated world, Mars, Mercury and the Moon were perceived as warrior kings while Venus was regarded as the perennial passive queen or king’s great wife. Mars, Mercury and the Moon ventured closer to Earth than Venus. Their location saw them take on the distinctly male trait of vanquishing incalculable amounts of space debris while Venus, a beautiful and loyal queen (Great Wife), watched from afar.
The pharaohs reigned over Earth for varying lengths of time which accurately paralleled the chronological and historical record. When they dominated the heavens and ruled the Earth as the incarnation of the god Horus, they were given the familiar names and titles we recognise today:
- Ramesses the Great, Tutankhamun, and Akhenaten were just a few names given to Mars.
- Tuthmosis III (Egypt’s Napoleon) and Horemheb were names given to the Moon.
- Nefertiti, Nefertari, Hatshepsut and Cleopatra were names given to Venus.
- Mercury (iron core of Mars) was initially born as a golden ‘Second Sun’ (“Disk of the Sun”) referred to by the Egyptians as the Aten.
- After a short period of time, Mercury joined the divine royal bloodline of pharaonic kings. One of the names given to pharaonic Mercury was Seti after Seth, the god of chaos.
This is just a sample of pharaonic names – there were over 170 known pharaohs and just as many queens. They were first and foremost names given to planets sent down by the gods to rule the Earth. As such, they were all guises of planetary bodies which inhabited the skies some 4,000 years ago.

On the left, Comet Venus/Nefertiti with the distorted blue and red Akhenaten/Mars worshipping the newly birthed incandescent red Aten/Mercury (NOT THE SUN!).
The ‘flowers’ represent incessant Electrical Sprites.
While the planets were deified as the true god-kings and queens of ancient Egypt, the incalculable amounts of space debris such as asteroids, comets, dust and gasses were also observed and deified. The larger chunks of rock and debris orbiting close to and around the astral monarchy were regarded as the doubles (souls) of nobles, concubines, priests, priestesses, viziers, scribes, fan bearers, overseers and other dignitaries. The remaining space debris was perceived as the vile enemy of the monarchy and of Egypt.
The evil debris threatened to blot out the Sun (Ra) and bring the universe into chaos (Seth). It was the role of the warrior god-king-planets of Mars, Mercury & the Moon to maintain ‘divine order’ (ma’at) by ‘battling’ up the space debris in an attempt to keep death, darkness and chaos at bay. This was a perennial conflict between good and evil that lasted for the duration of pharaonic Egypt. Ironically, it was the godly planets that created the enemy in the first place.
We need to look among the dust, gasses and other solar phenomena to find the true physical identity of many of the mythical sky-gods who played such a prominent role in the lives of the ancient Egyptians. Sky gods such as Amun, Horus, Osiris, Seth, Isis and Hathor were not fictitious gods invented to explain the natural world; they were real, physical gods attributable to phenomena created as a result of cosmic chaos. These sky-gods are no longer visible because chaos has now subsided and the phenomena attributed to certain deities is no longer visible.
The exploits of the astral monarchs were meticulously recorded in the glorious images and sacred hieroglyphs adorning tombs and temple walls throughout pharaonic Egypt. Every aspect of ancient Egyptian art points to a time when the planets Mars and Venus (and later Mercury and the Moon) dominated the heavens as pharaonic kings and queens. Scared carvings (hieroglyphs) provided details of their births, deaths, legendary sky battles, marriages, coronations, elaborate state visits and their interaction with the universal sky gods. They also recorded the actions and movements of the planets as well as 3,000 years of cosmic chaos and have virtually no connection with events on Earth.

The divine personification of planetary orbs. On the left Comet Venus named Nefertari, on the right “Ramesses The Great,” just one of the many names given to Mars. Both incandescent bodies named and renamed numerous times over. Note the oval shaped disks – unlike the Sun which is a near perfect sphere. Nefertari’s Temple, Abu Simbel, Egypt.
On the left we have the personified Venus/Nefertari, “The Beautiful One,” and “She for Whom Ra Shines.” Her Comet Venus crown an actual physical representation of Venus as it appeared in ancient skies. On the right, the personified “Good and Just God,” Ramesses the Great who was known as “The Ra (Sun) of Rulers,” “Strong by the Truth of Ra, Chosen by Ra, Beloved of Amun.” Titles that should be taken at face value. Again the headgear depicting exactly how Mars/Ramesses appeared in the skies of ancient times. In other words we have the fearless warrior Mars/Ramesses and the ever passive and beautiful queen Venus/Nefertari – a true marriage made in heaven.
If the true pharaohs were guises given to planetary bodies, how can the remains of numerous Pharaohs, queens and other royal dignitaries be found in the Cairo Museum? The reason is that these were mortal ‘doubles’ – humans chosen to be at one with astral bodies (ka’s) to represent and interpret the will of the planetary gods. They were believed to be the incarnation of divine astral kings and queens.
According to ancient Egyptian belief, when a planet descended from heaven, it was perceived as a god-king of Earth. It was believed that such bodies were transposed entities of royalty and a human king was chosen to be ‘at one’ with and act as a human manifestation of this planet. Each and every time a planet visited Earth it was represented with a human double. The Egyptians believed that everyone was born with an astral Ka (double) or soul – a real physical double. They would eventually unite at death to undertake a perilous journey to a life of eternity among the stars (akh). This belief is of paramount importance and should be taken face value.
As the human manifestation of astral bodies, the mortal kings and queens played no part in celestial events but were mere puppets to a far higher order. The true “Rulers of Everything Encircled by Ra” were the planetary god-kings. They literally held the power of life and death in their hands and their very location deemed them intermediaries between heaven and Earth – gods among gods. These kingly planets had a direct line to the sky gods whereas the mortal Egyptians only followed and recorded the doctrine of Heaven. Using ‘sacred hieroglyphs’ the Egyptians meticulously carved the life-history of their astral kings and queens. This is the history that is staring us in the face!

Karnak Temple. God king pharaoh Seti/Mercury seen here in the iconic pose of smiting the enemy.
Some believe such scenes are fictitious.
I don’t. They are a time ordered account of wars in the heavens.
The implications of my proposal are far reaching to say the least – in effect I am proposing to rewrite history. With the current paradigm set in stone, I realise a daunting task covering many diverse disciplines lies ahead. However, the beauty of the theory is that I will be using large portions of history to prove it. An example would be the historical battles of the pharaohs which I contend are time ordered accounts of wars in the heavens. Mythology, will of course feature strongly as I conclusively identify many of Egypt’s erroneously labelled mythical gods.
The above presents a brief overview of the God King Scenario (GKS) – the proposal that the divine monarchy of ancient Egypt were inexorably linked to personified errant bodies dwelling amidst a host of universal sky gods.
The scenario isn’t exclusive to ancient Egypt. On the contrary (and as you would expect), contemporaneous cultures adopted similar religious beliefs and practises as they rerecorded the very same chaotic events. If they didn’t have god-kings at the helm (such as the Akkadians i.e. Naram-Sin) they had kings who were thought to be the chief servant of the god(s) or they believed that kingship was handed down by the gods. Either way, there is a direct link with the very same kingly orbs that dominated our ancient skies – the legacy of cosmic chaos staring us in the face.
The reason I concentrate on the Ancient Egyptians is because there is a wealth of material to draw upon – we know more about the ancient Egyptians than any other ancient civilisation. The sacred text (hieroglyphs) and iconography comes to us in uncorrupted form. It was written, carved and painted as events unfolded i.e., in the hear and now. I believe its about time for a complete rethink.
The GKS will serve as an umbrella title for a series of books and web articles in support of my thesis.