The Tutankhamun Mars Pectoral
Molten Mars Blasted by the Solar Wind

A Pectoral is a large piece of jewelry worn as a pendant across the breast or chest. The scarab pectoral above is approximately four inches wide and is one of nearly 150 protective amulets and artifacts buried with king Tutankhamun. It is made of gold and semi-precious stones and was wrapped up with Tutankhamun’s mummy. The pectoral consists of a bowl (or basket) and a blue scarab beetle with falcon wings supporting a red orb. The symbolism is said to derive from observations of the dung beetle (Scarabaeus sacer) rolling balls of dung (its food) across the ground and this resembled the sun being rolled across the sky. The scarab was accordingly embodied in the god Khepri, the god of the rising sun.
Some ‘glaring’ questions if the orb represents our Sun.

With a slight stretch of the imagination it might be possible to understand the scarab beetle sun association as accepted by most. However, the iconography raises some ‘glaring’ questions. The most obvious would be the presumed ‘sun’ orb held up by the beetle.
The sun is a blinding, golden-yellowish (if not near white) disk with emanating rays – a ball of golden glaring light (as image). It does not appear as a red disk with a prominent gold ring around it as also found emblazoned on many temple walls throughout the Nile Valley. The question I’ve asked many times; why represent the sun god par excellence with, what has to be a lifeless disk, when compared to that of Re’s true glaring form?
The sun can of course appear red at sunset and sunrise (due to dust in the atmosphere) but if there is an association here, then how do we explain the prominent gold rim? Moreover, if representing the sun on the horizon, then where are the ‘normal’ golden daytime suns? The fact is, Egyptian art reveals not one single golden glaring Sun with a complete 360° sweep of sun rays as you would expect… as yourself why? Ask a child to paint the Sun and they will paint a yellow circle with yellow sunrays. An adult would do the same. So what was different about the Egyptians?

Is the solar orb being rolled across the sky or carried in flight? If rolled, then the beetle is actually the wrong way up. Dung beetles have six legs and when pushing a dung ball around they stand on their heads using their front legs and use their hind legs to push the dung ball (as in the image).
Why the elaborate multi-coloured falcon wings? The wings give the impression of streaming or flowing out from the orb… why? Are we looking at a simple case of artist’s freedom or could it possible that Tutankhamun’s pectoral is close to an image actually seen in the skies of earth only a few thousand years ago.
Not the Sun!
Tut’s pectoral records just one of the many encounters between Mars and Earth.
The orthodox view that the sun is being represented here is totally incorrect. Even allowing for a little artistic licence our Sol looks nothing like this. The sun is a golden glaring orb – it does not grace our skies as a red disk with a golden ring, let alone being held up by a multi-coloured winged beetle.

What we have here is a molten Mars (god of war) appearing almost stationary on the eastern horizon in close proximity to Earth. The red disk signifies the incandescent body of Mars while the encircling gold ring represents a scorching hot atmosphere consisting largely of rock vapour (silica). This being the primary source of earth’s sandy deserts (see Extraterrestrial Sands). The winged beetle formed as the sun’s solar wind slammed into Mars stripping it of its once earth-like atmosphere (volatiles, dust and debris). The wings are the result of bow shock whereas the actual body of the beetle derived from glowing dust particles following the magnetic field lines once held by Mars. The basket or bowl at the bottom essentially represents earth (perceived flat earth) and completes the picture revealing that Martian dust and debris was seen to intermingle with that of earth’s atmosphere (earth ultimately gaining, especially water) during historical times.
What follows is a step by step explanation of the above in addition to the reason why the scarab pectoral was designed, crafted and manufactured for the Egypt’s most famous boy-king.
God king Scenario (GKS)
Planetary upheaval dominated the time of the godly pharaohs, indeed they were inexorably linked. The main perpetrators were Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon which entered into hundreds of close encounters with earth. They appeared to move back and forth to earth in a perennial cycle of death and rebirth – morphing from large stars (Osirians) to incandescent living red orbs (Horus incarnate) only to ‘mummify’ back again. A process presided over by many cosmogonical gods such as Ra, Isis, Horus, Osiris, Hathor, etc. To name but a few. A cyclical process that would see the same body named and renamed numerous times over.
Their names, more specifically titles, reach us in the form of Egypt’s divine monarchy. Ramesses which means “Born of Ra,” Seti “He of the god Seth,” Tuthmosis “Born of Thoth,” Amenhotep “Amun is Pleased,” Tutankhamun “Living image of Amun,” and Nefertiti “The Beautiful one has Arrived,” were just some of the titles given Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon as they reigned (literally) over earth as the falcon god Horus incarnate. In dominating earth’s skies a falcon bird of prey was naturally chosen.
These Horus bodies were in the second instance repeatedly paired with mortal humans who believed they were “at one” or the earthly manifestation of said bodies. Ancient people saw them as their ka or soul – a real physical ‘double’ they could see and associate with especially the royal family who were paired with the larger bodies. As resurrectionists the Egyptians believed that after death they would join with their astral double (ka) and provided they passed the test of maat (lived a good and just life), they would ultimately attain a life of immortality in the next world amongst the stars (Osirians). The idea of joining with one’s ‘soul’ after death present in most religions today – religious beliefs inspired by past events in the heavens.
It is the celestial kas of our ancient forebears that are responsible for a large part of ancient history. Their births, deaths, marriages, coronations, battles and interactions with sky gods are recorded on every tomb and temple wall the length and breadth of the Nile Valley. In an “as above, so below” situation, the same theme permeates all other co-existing cultures. (See ‘The Crux of the GKS – Egyptian Dualism‘)
Tutankhamun was just one of the many names given to Mars and the events surrounding the Horus/Mars/Tutankhamun body are documented via hieroglyphic inscriptions, the art and imagery – it is the very reason why they were deemed sacred.

As odd as its sounds, Tut’s human counterpart played little part in the events recorded during his brief 17-year reign – they record celestial events. An example would be the boy king’s apparent battles with the Nubians and Asiatics as documented in his mortuary temple at Thebes and on the side of his painted wooden chest found in his tomb. As with all pharaonic battles (many hundreds) there exists no actual physical evidence to prove that they ever took place. This is because they are a time ordered account of wars in the heavens – they have nothing to with battles here on earth.
Tutankhamun’s Throne Name

The pectoral spells out Tutankhamun’s throne name Nebkheperure (Neb-Kheperu-Re) through the symbols: A basket (the segment shape at the bottom), neb, meaning ‘Lord’ (can also mean “all” or “everything,” see below), a scarab beetle (in the middle), kheperu, meaning ‘being’, ‘form’, or ‘manifestation,’ and the ‘sun’ (at the top), re, representing the sun god Re (or Ra). The same glyphs are present in Tutankhamun’s cartouche (image).
Essentially we have ‘lord,’ ‘manifestation(s)’ and ‘Re.’ Since the Egyptian language did not have written vowels this is often translated as ‘Lord of Manifestations is Re’ (ref) or ‘The Lordly Manifestation of Re’ (ref). Either interpretation can be explained in the context of the GKS.
Red orbed Horus bodies, “offspring of Re,” the red sun
Recent planetary upheaval gave rise to a solar system shrouded in countless tons of dust, gas and debris. This had a drastic effect on the appearance of the sun – it hazed it red as portrayed by the Egyptians. An analogy would be the sun turning red at sunset, only in ancient times the viewer is not only looking through a dusty atmosphere but some 93 million miles (distance between the earth and the sun) of dust and debris – as a consequence the sun appeared red throughout the day and even redder on the horizons. This is why the Egyptian’s always painted a red sun – they never once experienced a golden glaring sun as we do today.

As incandescent, sometimes ‘fiery’ red orbs, the Horus kings regularly took on the attributes of Re, the red sun. This largely down tidal friction and internal convulsions, or as in the case of Venus and Mercury, scorching hot newly birthed bodies. They looked like the sun and traced the same basic path (ecliptic) of the sun – traits that naturally saw them as ‘offspring of Ra,’as reflected in the ubiquitous title sa Re (or sa ra) which means “son of Re.” Similar devotional ‘sun’ titles would also include “Beloved of Re” and “Chosen of Re,” very common epithets bestowed upon the astral kings. This very close and personal relationship is the very reason why the throne name almost always contained the name of the god, Re. It is as you would expect.

The Sky Horus God King Tutankhamun
Tutankhamun’s throne name ‘The Lordly Manifestation of Re,’ is simply Mars/Tutankhamun in the image of Re. Quite literally, Tut/Mars was the lordly ‘form,’ ‘being’ or ‘manifestation’ of the red sun. Some scholars (oblivious to planetary chaos) chose to read Tut’s prenomen as ‘Lord of Manifestations is Re.’ But even this can be taken at face value, in that, Re was the ‘Lord of Manifestations’ – the sun god par-excellence was perceived as creating many beings ‘in his image’ and Tut/Horus/Mars was just one of them.
Turning our attention back to Tut’s beautifully crafted broach. It no doubt spells out Tutankhamun’s throne name, however, the red disk should not be seen as representing Re per se – it is a body (Mars) in the image of Re, a manifestation of Re – a ‘Re body,’ so to speak, a virtual double of Re – just one of many “Lordly Manifestations of Re.”

signifying he is “Lord of All.”
The plumed tails revealing Mars
also periodically
adorned comet-like tails.
The basket glyph as well as meaning “lord” can also mean “every,” “all” or “everything” (ref). With that in mind I would suggest that the basket also represents earth (with surrounding primeval waters) and that the connotation “all” or “everything” refers to the population of earth – this would make sense since it would give us Tut/Mars as the lord of “all” on earth. As godly intermediaries between heaven and earth that is exactly what Egypt’s pharaohs were.
The winged Khepri beetle came about as a result of Mars interacting with the solar wind, and confirms that the atmospheres of earth and Mars subsequently intermingled.
The God Khepri – a Creation of the Solar Wind.
Khephir (also Kheper or Khepera or Khepri) was the Egyptian patron god of the sun, creation, life and resurrection. This god appeared as a scarab-headed man, a scarab or a man wearing a scarab as a crown. In some funerary papyri, he is shown as a scarab in a boat held aloft by Nun. In Petosiris Tom at Tuna el-Gebel, the god is shown wearing an atef crown of the god Osiris.

The word kheper (or hprr) means scarab, and as the animal was associated with life and rebirth. Literally the word means “he who is coming into being”. Like Atum, Khephir was a self-created god. The scarab lays its eggs in a ball of dung and rolls it to hide in a safe place. From this unlikely substance the Egyptians observed new life emerging, seemingly from the earth. Hence he was a god of creation. In Chapter LXXXV of the Papyrus of Ani, the
Creator states:
“I came into being of myself in the midst of the Primeval Waters (Nu) in this my name of Khepri”
The Egyptian’s were not into pseudo-science, there was no art for art’s sake, they didn’t imagine a winged beetle on the horizon – they actually saw one!
Solar wind
The solar wind is a stream of energized, charged particles, primarily electrons and protons, flowing outward from the Sun.

The illustration above (and below) shows the effect of the solar wind (charged particles) on earth’s magnetosphere. The wind flows around the magnetic field like water in a stream moving past a boulder. Earth itself is largely protected from the solar wind by its magnetic field. On the sun-side, the bow shock forms a protective boundary spanning several tens to several hundreds of kilometers (fluctuating depending on the intensity of the solar wind). Without the buffer of a magnetic field, the electric sun’s wind would strip our planet of its oceans and atmosphere and all life would perish. A fate that is now believed to have befallen Mars.
In contrast Mars today has no global magnetic field and as such is virtually open to the full force of the electric wind. It slams into Mars stripping away gasses from its upper atmosphere. Below is a NASA YouTube simulation of this process in action.
Note how as a consequence of not having a buffering global field (as earth) the bow shock virtually envelopes the actual body of Mars. The clip gets particularly interesting around 0:17. Here it simulates the speed and direction of ions escaping from Mars as measured by NASA’s MAVEN.
I have taken a snapshot and rotated it 90 degrees as below.

It’s pretty obvious that what we have here are the falcon wings as presented in Tut’s pectoral. The solar wind crashes into Tut/Mars and in doing so generates enormous ionised wings that are seen streaming from the incandescent body of Mars. A phenomenon that as the MAVEN data reveals, continues even today. In other words, the Mars we observe today actually has wings (as do the other bodies), unfortunately we can’t see them.
Electrical phenomena made visible by dust & debris.
The plasma wings generated by Mars today are invisible as too are the magnetic field lines surrounding earth and the other planets. However, 3,000 years ago it was a totally different story; planetary upheaval gave rise to a solar system shrouded in dust and debris. The plane of the ecliptic (the domain of the goddess Isis) spanning out from Sun to the region of Pluto became littered with dust, gasses and debris. Gigantic debris rings analogous to Saturn’s rings congregated around earth’s celestial girth (Hathor). Many planets exhibited comet-like tails – this would include Mars but in especially Comet Venus.
Resulting dust and gasses made visible the otherwise invisible and that would include the electric field generated by Mars. Indeed, the dust and debris that veiled the sun red would also contribute in rendering Tut’s ‘wings’ highly visible, especially when in close proximity to earth. The kaleidoscope of colours would be a true reflection of the colours seen.
There are obvious parallels here with that of the iconic winged disc symbol found throughout the ancient world (image below). And, given the above, there can be little doubt that the winged disk originated from observations of planetary bodies reacting with the solar wind when close to earth. As suggested in previous works, Mars, Mercury and the Moon, all at some point embraced the winged traits of the sky god Horus Behdety.

See my Winged Disk of Mars and short YouTube presentation.
Having discussed the wings our attention now turns to the actual body of the beetle which also loomed large in the skies of earth – it appeared to hold up the globe of Tut/Mars. It formed as the ionised wings converged downstream of the solar wind, following the magnetic field lines once held by Mars. The problem with this idea is the simulation above shows no signs of fashioning a beetle in its wake. Nonetheless, this can be explained.
Turns out it wasn’t always the case that Mars lacked a global magnetic field. On the contrary it is well known Mars was once home to a magnetic field very similar to earth, if not stronger.
Despite the fact that Mars no longer has an internal dynamo capable of generating a large global magnetic field as on Earth, there is evidence to suggest that Mars may once have had such a dynamo. This is mainly supported by observations from the American satellite mission MGS (Mars Global Surveyor), which from 1997 to 2006 measured the magnetic field of Mars using a small magnetometer from an altitude of 100-400 km above the planet’s surface. These measurements showed the existence of powerful magnetic crustal fields on the planet’s surface, far more powerful than those found on Earth. (link)
So what happened? What made Mars’ magnetosphere fade away? What caused a dynamic Earth-like planet to turn into a dry red husk?
There are a few leading theories about what decimated the planet’s magnetism. One of them is that huge asteroids bombarded Mars until its magnetic field turned off (link).
How would this work? How does the bombardment of a planet’s outer shell (no matter how intense) bring to a halt its spinning iron core? If earth suffered the same fate would its dynamo seize up? I strongly doubt it. Perhaps we should be looking for a switch to turn Mars back on again! In the absence of any plausible theory most planetary scientists simply say that Mars’ core froze – they don’t know how, only that it somehow ground to a halt. And then there’s the obligatory “billions of years ago.” Scholars need to expand and broaden their comprehension and observational skills.
Fact: Mars was once home to a working dynamo – a spinning iron core generating an electro-magnetic field. Mercury: It is widely accepted that the ‘iron planet’ Mercury is the result of giant collision stripping away proto-Mercury’s mantle – in other words Mercury was once the core of a much larger body (link, link, link, link). Mars has an enormous scar running across its surface called the Valles Marineris. Allowing for a little shrinkage, it is roughly the same diameter as Mercury. Now let’s put two and two together.
After approximately 2,000 years of encounters with Earth, the huge gravitational and electromagnetic forces exerted upon Mars caused a momentous event. The larger ‘magnet’ of Earth literally tore out the smaller magnetic heart of Mars. Its solid iron core, its working dynamo, was sucked out to become the planet known as Mercury (Egyptian Aten). A “Glorious Sun-Disk of all Lands” is born!
The events surrounding Mercury’s genesis reaches us in the form of one of ancient Egypt’s most controversial eras… the Amarna Period.
The Amarna Period in Egyptian history is a spectacular time filled with mystery, regardless of the massive research and analysis of Egyptologists and layman enthusiasts.
Essentially, the Amarna Period is said to be a time the pharaoh Akhenaten (“Illuminated manifestation of Aten”) moved the capital of the Egyptian Empire from Thebes to Amarna for the exaltation of the Aten or “Disk of the Sun.” Thought to be yet another aspect of the sun god Re (yawn, the mind boggles).
Allow me to cut this short. The Amarna period has nothing to do with what was essentially a renaming of the sun – the idea is absurd. The short enigmatic Amarna era (approx. 30 years) is a time ordered account of Mercury’s birth and the subsequent dismantling of Mars’ magnetic field. The Egyptians called Mercury the “disk of Re” because it was just that, a disk in the image of Re. Not Re per se but a disk or orb of Re. As with Horus, a manifestation of Re. A glaring orb that for a time (reign of Akhenaten 17 years) virtually blotted out all other gods, leading scholars to believe some kind of quasi-monotheism took place. It didn’t, the Egyptians were merely trying to make sense of some very confusing and almost incomprehensible events occurring above.
The reason for mentioning the ‘Mercury from Mars scenario’ is that the design and construction of Tut’s pectoral took place around the same period. That is to say, it was crafted around the time Mars began to lose its magnetic field. I would suggest just after the birth of the Aten/Mercury – a phase when Mars was still exhibiting signs of a magnetic field similar to that of earth today. A key point as it enables us to make comparisons between the ‘animal’ shape(s) formed by earth’s magnetic field lines with those likely exhibited by Mars.

The two images above are of earth’s magnetic field lines. They have been rotated 90 degrees to mimic better what was seen in regards to the Khepri beetle. Compare the shapes formed around earth to those represented in the Tut/Mars pectoral reproduced below. Note how the magnetic field lines form a spidery beetle-like shape. The Van Allen belts (trapping region) along with earth make up the body; the magnetotails the legs, while the bow shock forms gigantic wings. The cusp could also be seen as leg-like pincers.

while in close proximity to earth only a few thousand years ago.
But this is earth – replete with a working dynamo. The Mars pectoral records the time just after its iron heart (Mercury) was ripped out – an event that led to the systematic destruction of its buffering magnetic field. With its ‘deflector shield’ down (i.e. no dayside buffering zone like earth), the solar wind slams directly into Mars. The resulting bow shock (possibly combined with remnant Van Allen belts) creates enormous ionised wings, analogous to Mars’ ‘wings’ today. The multi-coloured wings stream from the body of Mars – flowing downstream of the solar wind and converging in its wake to form the body and legs of the beetle. All made visible by the stripping of volatiles, dust and debris from the once earth-like Mars.
Essentially, what we have here is a similar shape or outline to that created by earth’s magnetosphere, only with Mars we have to move the whole thing further downstream of the actual body. As mention previously, the pectoral’s basket is a symbolic representation of “all” or earth.
Tut/Mars with respect to the Sun as viewed from the location of Egypt
I envisage a situation whereby Tut/Mars became locked into a geosynchronous orbit (synchronised with the rotation of the Earth) with earth above the region of the Trans-Himalayas (thus raising them). As Horakhty (‘Horus of the Horizons’) incarnate Tut/Mars appeared almost stationary on (more like “in”) the dusty eastern horizon. The red sun Re would rise behind Mars, although it was probably not seen until well above the horizon. A situation that would see Mars periodically taking on the role of Re and lead to the Horus form ‘Re-Horakhty,’ – that is, Mars as the Re-Horus-of-the-Horizon (Horus, the ‘double’ of Re). The solar wind bombards Mars from behind and in so doing Khepri, the winged beetle manifests. It would look roughly something like this.

Khepri was the god of creation, life and resurrection for good reason – the god “came into being” on the eastern horizon and appeared to physically give birth (or resurrect), not only to the Horus Mars (named and renamed many times over as Egypt’s divine monarchy), but also other errant Horus bodies (and other debris) subjected to the blast of the solar wind (notably Mercury). They may not have formed the exact same shape, nevertheless beetle-like apparitions were seen to trail in their wake. It gave the illusion that Khepri rolled ‘sun-like’ orbs through the underworld at night, pushing them over the horizon in the morning.

Egyptian art reveals many scarab beetles without wings – simply means either the bow shock wasn’t seen, or more likely, a simple case of practicality mixed in with a little symbolism. In that, it was far easier to carve a scarab with enclosed wings and legs than one with protruding legs, which would simply break off.
Khepri was given a central role in the “book of the dead” (“the book of coming forth by day”) and the “amduat” (“the book of that which is in the underworld” or “the book of the secret chamber”) and scarab amulets were placed over the heart of the deceased during the mummification ritual. These “heart scarabs” were meant to be weighed against the feather of Maat (truth) during the final judgement. Scarabs were often inscribed with a spell from the Book of the Dead which instructed their heart .. “do not stand as a witness against me.” (link)

Khepri was made more visible on the horizon due to the observer looking through a greater volume of dust and debris. That being said, density variations may have also periodically given rise to Khepri appearing to ‘roll’ Horus bodies (in the image of Re) across the sky during the day.
The fact that Khepri was associated with Re has more to do with the Sun emerging from Khepri’s earthy domain in the east as opposed to actually rising with winged beetle-like attributes. Pharaonic planets originally fashioned the beetle god, not the other way round.

Khepri was a self-created god, a deity that seemed to form from nothing. A trait consistent with solar wind apparitions, that magically appeared and disappeared seemingly from nothing. A trait played out in the name Khepri that as we have seen means “he who came into being.” Well, Khepri “came into being” many times especially around the time of the Amarna period. Just prior to this epoch hundreds of unusually large scarabs were produced en-mass. This is no coincidence and is due to Mars looming large on the horizon prior to the extraction of Mercury/Aten.
This is just one aspect of how solar phenomena dust and debris manifest in ancient Egyptian art and mythology. There are loads more examples throughout my web.