The Winged Disk of Mars

The Winged Disk and The God King Scenario
The winged disk is a familiar emblem found in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and Persia. It can be found carved over temple doorways, on the rounded top of stela (as above) and on many papyri. It was the symbol of Horus Behdety and is often associated with the Pharaoh (Horus, the embodiment of kingship). It has been the subject of much discussion and debate among catastrophists and Egyptologists alike. What does it represent?
Egyptologist Sir Alan Gardiner argued that the disk represented the ‘actual person’ of the of the king, syncretised with the sun-god (Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. Shaw & Nicholson, 2002, p305). Was he correct? Does the disk in the image above represent the god king Amenhotep?
The God King Scenario (GKS) forwards the radical proposal that the divine monarchy of ancient Egypt (& Mesopotamian cultures) were first and foremost guises of the planets Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon as they played havoc with earth for 3,000 years. These heavenly monarchs were represented by human ‘doubles’ – mortal Pharaohs who were believed to be the human incarnation of astral bodies.
The errant planets were named and renamed numerous times over as they appeared to move back and forth to Earth. This paralleling the historical and chronicle record of the pharaohs carved on temple and tombs walls throughout Pharaonic Egypt.
As ‘gods among gods’ the sky kings held the power of life or death in their hands – their very location deemed them as intermediaries between heaven and earth, the mortal and the divine. It was believed that without the warring Pharaoh the whole universe would fall into chaos. Other sky bound epithets would include ‘Rulers of Everything Encircled by the Sun,’ and ‘God of Earth.’
Appearing predominately as red orbs a very close, personal, even ‘synchronistic’ relationship with the Red Sun was assumed. This was exemplified by numerous dedicatory ‘Re’ titles (mainly throne names) given to the god kings such as:
- Offspring of Re
- Appearing like Re
- Shinning like Re
- Fashioned by Re
- Beloved of Re
- Lordly Manifestation of Re
- Chosen of Re
- Eternal like Re
- Ruler of Justice like Re
It would be wise to attribute celestial phenomena such as electrical manifestations, ecliptic dust, light refraction, zodiacal light, earth’s rings, etc. etc. with Egypt’s cosmogonical gods and goddesses such as Amun (aurora) Isis (forefront ecliptic haze) Hathor (Earth’s ring) Osiris (star form enveloping the planets), etc. These sky deities housed, nurtured and granted kingship to the astral kings as they appeared within and interacted with such phenomena.
The scene carved on the stele above is believed to be mythological in context i.e. we have a human king depicted equal in stature and interacting with an fictitious god. This conventional interpretation is incorrect. The scene represents real events in the heavens. This would apply to all sacred scenes and accompanying text throughout dynasty Egypt – it is the very reason why hieroglyphs were ‘sacred carvings.’ Demotic (for the people), an everyday later form of writing was used for items such as grocery or laundry lists, or receipts for the purchase of animals etc. It was also used for writing business, legal and religious. In short, hieroglyphs record divine events of above, while the demotic script records events here on earth.
Amenhotep was just one of the many names given to the warring Mars. Amenhotep III is represented three times. Primarily as a winged disk at the top of the stele and in human form either side of the carved stone. The winged disk is a true physical representation of Mars/Amenhotep when in close proximity to earth. The adorning of outstretched wings was probably due to the solar wind stripping the spinning Mars of its volatiles or Mars, with its magnetic field still intact, buffering the solar wind to form two ginourmous outstretched cometary wings. Either way, from the perspective of earth, the Egyptian’s portrayed almost exactly what they saw.
Identifying the disk with Mars/Amenhotep is made perfectly clear by the placing of the kings cartouche directly below the disk. It contains the throne name of Amenhotep ‘Nub-maat-re.’ Another Re title with the standard definition of ‘Lord of Truth is Re.’ In keeping with most throne names this can, and should be translated as ‘Lord of Truth like Re.’ This would parallel Amenhotep’s other highly significant title ‘The Dazzling Sun (Re) Disk of all Lands.’ This is a clear reference to a celestial body adorning similar attributes to that of the Sun. Only in this case, and at this particular time, Mars’ luminosity was more ‘dazzling’ than the hazed red sun of ancient times. This was due to Mars/Amenhotep just about too electromagnetically give birth to its solid iron core (Mercury/Aten), hence the additional title ‘The Fierce-Eyed Lion.’
Intense geomagnetic storms (aurora) were deified as the great god Amun. Mars, in appearing amidst the aurora was adorned with the name Amen-hotep, meaning the aurora/Amun is content. Mars/Amenhotep in ‘seeking excellent things for his father Amun’ is perceived as ‘offering’ (spinning off volatiles) to the aurora/Amun. Amun reciprocates by granting the astral king ‘life’ (ankh) and the authority to literally reign over earth, within the aurora/Amun.
In answer to the question, was Gardiner correct in his assumption that the disk represented the ‘actual person,’ the answer has to be yes, only more than he could have ever imagined.
Other god king winged disks

offering to the king of the gods god Amun.
Ramesses/Mars depicted either side of the stela offering to the god Amun (aurora). Surmounting the round toped stone is again the winged disk of Ramesses/Mars. The name of Ramesses (enclosed in the a cartouche) is clearly written just below the disk. The name reads “Strong by the Truth of Re, Chosen of Re.” A very fitting title as Ramesses/Mars appeared primarily as a red disk, just like the Sun (see names and titles).
Further support for a winged Mars comes to us via an inscription at the great temple at Abu Simbel which reads “He Who Spreads Out His Wings Over His Army” (Breasted Vol III p213).

The scene above: the Pharaoh is shown here three times, as a winged disk atop of the stela and in human form twice. On the left Amenhotep/Mars receives the sign of life form the god Horus (embodiment of kingship) with queen Tiye (a plumed Comet Venus) behind him. Queen Tiye is holding the sistrum which is to be associated with Hathor (earth’s rings) and a lotus flower to signify lightning sprites. On the right, Amenhotep/Mars again receives the ankh, this time from the god Amun (aurora). Again Comet Venus/Tiye is in attendance.
The winged disk here actually forms part of the pharaohs name in rebus form and in regards to naming the disk this couldn’t be more clear.
The disk should be read as ‘Re,’ (image of Re) while below the disk is the hieroglyph for the good and just goddess ‘maat’ and below that we have the ‘neb’ or ‘lord’ glyph. Putting them together we have Amenhotep’s throne name Neb-maat-Re, or “Lord of Truth as Re” — Mars primarily as a red disk taking on the attributes of the just and righteous Red Sun. The name Nebmaatre is further represented in the cartouche above the pharaohs head next to his birth name (also in a cartouche) Amun-hotep (Amun/aurora is pleased).

Below the winged disk is the throne name of Thuthmosis IV ‘Menkheperure’ meaning “Everlasting is the Manifestations of Re.” In GKS terms, Thuthmosis as the Moon (born of lunar god Thoth) also appearing as a red orb — i.e., literally “The Manifestation of Re the Red Sun.”
Update: September 5th 2016
The Winged Disk
I have constructed a YouTube video demonstrating how the solar wind mixed in with a little dust and debris was physically responsible for planetary bodies adorning outstretched wings i.e., winged disks. And, although I largely attribute Mercury as being the main Horus Behdety, as mentioned above, both our recently captured Moon and Mars were also periodically seen to ‘take flight.’