The Blue Crown – Mars With Rings
Just one of the many manifestations of Pharaonic Mars when in close proximity to earth only a few thousand years ago.

The blue crown – a symbolic representation of Mars with a flared ring of debris around its girth.
It is presumed the reader has a basic understanding of the God King Scenario (GKS).
The Khepresh also known as the Blue Crown
Khepresh Crown: Elongated, rounded crown with a flared bulge or ridge passing around the back and studded with dotted circles. In reliefs and paintings its colour is shown as blue, a prestigious characteristic linked to the king in his active roles, in battle or carrying out rituals in the temples. The crown first made its appearance in the New Kingdom.
Why such an odd distorted bulbous design? Who invented it and why? It certainly doesn’t follow the contours of the head. What of the flared bulge, what does this represent? Why blue? Why did it first appear during the New Kingdom? What do the dotted circles represent? On this, scholars have NO answers whatsoever.
Pharaonic Mars

As signified by the red
orb above his head.
This is NOT the Sun!
Mars was once like earth in every sense in that it was home to an electromagnetic field which shielded a human habitable atmosphere, vast oceans, land masses, mountains and valleys. Three thousand years of planetary encounters with earth has seen Mars in the guise of Egypt’s god kings literally battle (Pharaonic battles) itself from an earth-like planet to its now frozen desolate state. During its demise and depending upon its location in respect to earth and the Sun (Re), Mars took on many forms. The main one being an incandescent red disk which was perceived to be protected by the cobra as a result of huge snake-like lava eruptions seen lashing out into space (see Cobra Goddess Wadjet). The image on the right shows Ramesses Mars with the traditional red disk of Mars above his head.

Another common form pertaining to Mars was that of a gigantic comet as its atmosphere is stripped from its surface to form two enormous cometary tails as in the image left. Of interest here, however, is the many times Mars appeared in the shape and image of the blue crown.
The blue crown worn by the Pharaohs came about as a direct result of physical observations of a spinning Mars appearing blue while in absolute turmoil in close proximity to earth in the New Kingdom. The unusual bulbous shape represents the distorted shape of Mars when in close proximity to earth. The flared bulge or ridge represents a very thick but distinct ring of debris around Mars’ girth, while the dotted circles are symbolic of hundreds of swirling vortices, or hurricane-like storms covering the surface of Mars (similar to those found on Saturn and Jupiter today) prior to, and during, the total depletion of its atmosphere. Of course as per The God King Scenario such orbs were not planets, they were god kings amidst a wide range of sky gods such as Hathor, Isis, Osiris, Horus, etc.
The ridge or ring of debris
The way forward here is to use the “Lord of the Rings,” Saturn as an analogy.

Today Saturn’s rings appear sharp and defined (left) but what if Saturn was pummelled by space debris on a colossal scale? Rebounding debris would cause its atmosphere and thus the planet to swell in size. Its ring system would also thicken and become more dense to form one gigantic bulge around its equatorial region, merging with Saturn’s already inflated atmosphere. In studying the blue crown, this is similar to what I believe occurred with Mars during Pharaonic times.
To gain an insight into what was seen, below left we have Tutankhamun (a guise of Mars) shown wearing the blue crown (once painted blue), on the right I have superimposed an ‘oversized’ blue ‘Mars’ onto Saturn and its rings and painted them blue with a few ‘hurricane’ storms which we will discuss shortly.

Comparing the basic outline of the blue crown to that of my ‘blue Mars’ model, as I’m sure you will agree, the similarity is obvious. Especially the angle of which the flared bulge protrudes from the two sides of the crown. If we were to add a little dust and debris into the equation they’d be virtually identical.
Distorted – tidal forces

in a similar egg-shaped fashion?
The unusual distorted shape of the blue crown originated as a result of the tidal forces exerted on Mars by the more massive earth when in close proximity to earth. Mars became stretched, almost egg-shaped, the same basic shape as the blue crown. This would be very similar to the gravitational forces at play between the Earth-Moon system.
For example, on the left is an image demonstrating how the Moon creates two tidal bulges on earth, one on the side facing the Moon and one on the far side resulting in the earth taking on an oval, or egg-shape. Of course this is greatly exaggerated for demonstration purposes, however, with Mars in close proximity to earth only a few thousand years ago there was no need for exaggeration – the tidal forces involved were tremendous. Pharaonic Mars became distorted to such an extent it appeared egg-shaped. The Egyptian’s in veneration of their astral doubles (souls) duly represented this common apparition in the kingly blue crown.
It should be noted that the Moon even today is not a perfect sphere, it is in fact egg-shaped due to the tidal force of earth.
The moon is a spheroid, not completely round but egg-shaped, according to NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter website. The moon’s shape derives from its rotation, with the large end of the egg-shape pointing toward the Earth. Not only does the moon have an irregular shape, but its center of mass is irregular as well — it’s approximately 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) out from the geometric center of the moon.
This egg-shape would be almost identical to the blue crown worn by Tutankhamun above and, viewing face on, even down to the small end of the egg/crown pointing towards earth.
Prior to and during the birth of the Mercury (The Amarna Period), Mars became distorted to such an extent that the god king responsible for giving birth (Akhenaten Mars) was depicted deformed and without any hint of genitalia (confusing times, what do you expect). His blue crown was also accordingly shown extremely distorted as in the image below. For comparison purposes, on the right we have a slightly squashed Saturn.

Right: A similar ‘squashed’ Saturn.
The dotted circles
The dotted circles represent the many hundreds of thousands of swirling vortices, or hurricane-like storms covering the surface of Mars. We don’t have to look far for an analogy here. Below is an image of the surface (high north) of Saturn taken at a distance of approximately 336,000 miles.

It shows a seething cauldron of rolling cloud bands and swirling vortices. Now compare these to a section of the blue crown emblazoned with dotted circles below. Even down to the dots in the circles, the correlation is pretty obvious.

Similar swirling vortices are also to be found on Jupiter as shown in the image below which features the mother of all dotted circles, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

It is not known what causes these hurricane-like storms. Looking at the bigger picture on how Mars has battled itself to death, I would strongly suggest they are caused by impacts. Countless tons of debris bombarded the surface Mars resulting in tens of thousands of swirling vortices excavating debris from the Martian surface high up into its atmosphere. The visual effect of which, as seen from earth, was dotted circles or circular imprints analogous to those in the images above. The Egyptians, always one for symmetry, represented these with evenly placed dotted circles.
Many times the blue crown is shown without circular imprints (as in the image at the top of the page and below). This simply reveals that Mars appeared blue but the swirling vortices were not seen.
Blue Crown, Blue Mars.
Colour was of paramount importance to the Egyptians, they believed not only did colours revealed the true essence of a person or a thing, but it also provided them with protection. Colouring the Khepresh blue wasn’t a random thing, it was dictated by the colour of the god king planets, in this case mainly Mars, which set many precedents. We look to a Blue Moon for the reason Mars appeared blue.
Blue Moon
The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, which caused the moon to appear blue for nearly two years.

The most literal meaning of blue moon is when the moon (not necessarily a full moon) appears to a casual observer to be unusually bluish, which is a rare event. The effect can be caused by smoke or dust particles in the atmosphere, as has happened after forest fires in Sweden and Canada in 1950 and 1951, and after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, which caused the moon to appear blue for nearly two years. Other less potent volcanos have also turned the moon blue. People saw blue moons in 1983 after the eruption of the El Chichon volcano in Mexico, and there are reports of blue moons caused by Mt. St. Helens in 1980 and Mount Pinatubo in 1991 (Wiki).
The planets Mars, Mercury, Venus and the Moon in the guise of god kings appeared blue many times as a result of volcanic eruptions spewing out dust and debris into the atmosphere on a then global scale.
I would argue the point that if errant planets came close to earth many volcanoes would ignite sending dust and ash into the atmosphere turning said bodies blue.
Many firsts were introduced in the New Kingdom (1,000 BC revised chronology) this would include Velikovsky’s Comet Venus crown and the blue crown. The reason being this was the time Venus crossed the orbit of earth en route towards its current orbit while Mars locked into a periodic geosynchronous orbit around the earth. Mars was eventually released after giving birth to its solid iron core, Mercury. The Moon, the legacy of very recent cosmic catastrophe as it became a permanent companion of earth. In short, with the New Kingdom we literally have a new order new order in the heavens – close proximity errant planets now begin to loom larger than the Sun – especially the spinning Mars, which on numerous occasions was observed taking on a blue hue with a very distinctive band of debris around its girth.
Although it was the blue Mars that introduced the shape, design and colour of the blue crown, it almost immediately became symbolic of planetary bodies simply appearing blue. I reason this because there are many other god kings that I associate with other bodies such as Mercury, Venus and the Moon, and these pharaohs are also shown sporting the blue crown. Now having totally different compositions and barely spinning these bodies almost certainly didn’t generate a ring system – they would not take on the basic outline of the blue crown. However, due to earth’s dusty atmosphere they almost certainly appeared blue – this is why they were periodically shown wearing the blue crown.
No Pharaonic crowns ever found!
Egypt’s divine monarchy are shown wearing a multitude of diverse and elaborate crowns including the blue crown, and yet not one has ever been found. Why? Because celestial god kings ‘wore’ these crowns, not their earthy counterparts. The images below emphasises this point – if you believe human kings actually wore such bizarre crowns this really isn’t the site for you.

A selection of Blue Mars crowns:

The Uraeus signifying volcanoes striking out from the surface.