The Egyptian Cobra Goddess Wadjet

A boiling, percolating Queen Venus (volcanism, of sorts) and the ever present Wadjet.

Venus presents us with a totally different scenario to that of Mars, in that, while Mars has been torn apart from its once earth-like status to its now virtually dead state, Venus is a new born babe, a new rocky planet in the making. In short, Pharaonic times saw Mars battle itself to death (see Non-existent Battles of the Pharaohs) while Venus basically cooled down, something it is still doing with surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead.

The Pharaonic wars are evidenced by the many thousands of impact craters covering the surface of Mars, Mercury and the Moon – all have been incessantly pummelled by space debris – all show signs of numerous cosmic battles. Venus, on the other hand, shows little signs of warring as evidenced by its impacts craters which number only around a thousand.

Boiling Lava Lake

I will offer a very simple but plausible explanation for this: Venus was bombarded just as much as our three warrior bodies however, during ancient times Venus was considerably hotter than it is today (logical), so its surface was literally boiling, it hadn’t yet time to develop a crust. Venus was one vast planetary bubbling molten lava lake with no volcanic vents. We may compare the surface of Venus with boiling lava lakes here on earth as can be seen in these videos. The photo on the right is a still capturing a burst of boiling lava.

High angle of boiling lava lakes.

Boiling Lava Lake
Part 2

What this means is, Venus assimilated virtually anything that was thrown at it. Stones, rocks, large chunks of debris (source; mainly Mars), all this and more, left virtually no trace. An analogy would be like throwing a large rock into any of the bubbling lava lakes shown in the videos above (but obviously on a far grander scale), no trace would be left. Only after Venus cooled sufficiently enough to develop a thin crust was it able to show any signs of battle. Less than a thousand hits pales into insignificance when compared to the many millions of impacts endured by Egypt’s greatest warrior Pharaoh, Thothmosis III, a guise of the Moon.

Despite the fact that the whole solar system was undergoing virtual Armageddon, these basic behavioral traits were the very reason why the ‘rocky’ (by comparison) Mars, Mercury and the Moon were perceived as fearless warrior god kings while Venus played the role of the ever passive and beautiful Egyptian queen (This, and the fact that Venus remained in the background for most of the time, as discussed in my books).

I mention the above because the boiling disk of Venus was clearly observed on numerous occasions, it was symbolically represented in certain crowns worn by Egypt’s New Kingdom queens which we will discuss shortly.

A visual aspect of what was seen can be gleaned by reviewing the excellent lava videos above and then imagining a red orb, several times the diameter of the Sun (as viewed from earth), exhibiting similar boiling, bubbling traits emanating from its surface. This was Venus only a few thousand years ago – its disk was a seething body of serpent activity. It was clearly seen (courtesy of a hazed red sun) as it bubbled and belched out countless balls of lava; only unlike Mars which threw tons of debris into space, these were more concentrated, with the majority (not all!) immediately falling back to the Venusian surface to be instantly recycled. Similar to (if not exactly same) as we see with earth’s boiling lava lakes.

Hapshetsut and Ra the Sun god
Left: Ra the Sun. Right: Hatshepsut/Venus – The mirror image of Ra.

Pharaonic times saw the divine female Venus many times in the image of ‘living breathing’ red Sun as activity on both bodies was clearly observed, this was reflected in the divine names given to Egypt’s queens, e.g. Hatshepsut/Venus (Foremost of the noble) was given the title Maatkare which means ‘Just and Full of Vitality Like Re.’ An appropriate title (TV Documentary, Queens of the Nile, part 1).

The serpent snakelike eruptions belching out balls of lava were of course embodied in the goddess Wadjet. They were symbolically represented via a diadem comprising of numerous Wadjet snakes wearing mainly golden orbs. Below are many, what I have dubbed ‘wadjet crowns,’ for which I hasten to add, scholars have no explanation whatsoever.

Comet Venus queens
Left: Nefertari/Venus adorning the double uraeus on her forehead and a cluster of Uraeus atop of the crown.
Center: Nefertari/Venus with the addition of the Comet Venus crown.
Right: Egyptian queen carved between the legs of Ramesses The Great (Mars). Why any queen would accept such a belittling (literally) is beyond me, unless of course Comet Venus appeared smaller in size than the great Ramesses/Mars. 

The queens above (all guises of Venus) are all from the time of Ramesses II. First and foremost, they are all shown dressed with the traditional double uraeus. As discussed, this symbolises the point at which the solar wind slams into Venusian surface. Next, they are all crowned with the ‘wadjet crown’ – invented as a direct result of observations of the bubbling, boiling surface of Venus. The ‘Mother of Creation,’ Wadjet birthing an infinite numbers of golden orbs. The two queens on the right also sport the Comet Venus headdress – a physical representations of Venus as it actually appeared in ancient times. Since the art of the Egyptians derived solely from events in the heavens, I would further suggest that the elaborate hairdo represents either the gigantic coma surrounding Venus or possibly further symbolises Venus’ enormous cometary tails.

Divine Ancient Egyptian Queens. Crowns of Ancient Egypt.
Divine Egyptian Queens wearing the Wadjet headdress.
Comet Venus Wadjet
Queen Tiye (Venus).

This isn’t to say other bodies didn’t exhibit similar boiling traits – on the contrary, Mars, Mercury and the Moon, all at some point saw extreme temperatures liquidise their surfaces (I would strongly argue, as you would expect). I take my lead for this from the art of the Egyptians which periodically depicts some Pharaohs wearing the same Wadjet crown as the queens.

Left: Tutankhamun/Mars wearing a crown of Wadjet snakes on a blue wig (doesn’t anybody ask the question, why?). Blue was (in this particular case) indicative of some very high temperatures.
Right: Ramesses/Mars wearing the same Wadjet crown and surrounded by numerous Wadjet’s satellites. Also notice the snakes strewn about his wig (not including the den of snakes. The crown here is called the Hemhem crown, or a variation of it).

The image above left, it is a close up of Tutankhamun’s crown taken from the Tutankhamun, Ankhesenamun photo above. You will note that at the base of Tut’s more than elaborate crown, and perched on top of his blue wig (actually seen), we have the Wadjet crown – a concentrated den of cobras sporting golden disks, the same as that worn by Egypt’s divine queens. This tells us that, at this particular time, the surface of Mars was also a seething mass of bubbling, boiling lava analogous to the surface of Venus, and the Egyptians observed this (through one hell of a load of dust and debris).

The timing of this couldn’t be more appropriate, considering that this is the exactly same epoch as my proposed birth of Mercury from Mars… the Amarna Period. It is logical to assume that prior to, during and after Mercury’s exit, the surface temperature of Mars was probably in excess of well over 1,000 °C. This, along with observations of Wadjet birthing gigantic golden blobs of iron (through the Valles Marineris) was encapsulated in the headdress.

On the right we have Ramesses with a similar den of divine snakes on the top of his head as well as numerous other wadjet representations. This suggests that surface of Mars during its Ramesses guise was also observed bubbling with snakes, in addition to being surrounded by loads of satellites.


Like all Egyptian deities Wadjet was a mythical goddess invented in order to explain the natural world, or so the conventional way of thinking goes. If this is correct, it raises many questions, such as; how does a red Sun encircled with a snake of no known species explain the world around? How did the idea come about that human kings were protected by a fire breathing snake?

How do you perpetuate such a bizarre belief to the masses, generation after generation? Why display the cobra on the forehead? Why were many queens depicted with two, or in some cases, even three Uraei? Wasn’t one sufficient enough as with the Egyptian kings? What of Tutankhamun’s enigmatic cobra based crown and suchlike? How do these crowns explain one of the most sunniest and driest climates in the world? Crowns, which incidentally have never being found (this in itself speaks volumes).

There is only one way Wadjet makes sense and that is by placing her in a world dominated by cosmic catastrophe where god king planets reigned over earth amidst, nurtured and protected by Egypt’s cosmogonical sky gods (Horus, Isis, Hathor, Amun, Wadjet, etc, etc.).

As always there is so much more to this, so time permitting, I may add some more ‘Wadjet’ crowns along with my interpretations as to their true meaning in the near future.

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