Ancient Egypt – A Few Basics
Ancient Egypt and the God King Scenario – Cosmic Chaos in Ancient Times
What follows is a short collection of essays (in no particular order) in support of the God King Scenario. This page will be updated regularly as I take ancient Egypt apart, fix it and put it back together again. With the following it is presumed the reader has a basic understanding of the god King Scenario (GKS) and at the very least has read ‘The Crux of the GKS – The Egyptian Dualism.’ I would also like to point out I’m not short of material, on the contrary, time is the only problem.
Skin colour

Men in ancient Egypt were traditionally painted red while women were painted yellow (, the question is why? Were Egyptian men really red skinned and women yellow in colour? Given the scorching hot Egyptian sun it may be possible to explain away the dark reddish hue ascribed to the men folk but how do we explain yellow women? How on earth did this come about? Surely Egyptian men and women were the same in skin colour, so why not show complete harmony by painting them the same basic colour? This colour distinction is a noticeably odd practice and scholars have no answers as to why the Egyptian’s chose to separate men and women in such a fundamental way. The GKS offers a plausible explanation.
In appearing to move back and forth to earth the two main perpetrators of chaos were Mars and Venus. In the guise of Egypt’s numerous divine god kings and queens (named and renamed many times over — the GKS) these two would set many precedents, this including, even dictating the desired flesh colour of both men and women.

Mars, (the RED god of war) due to internal convulsions predominantly appeared as a red orb. Since it was also observed battling itself from an earth like planet to its now frozen desolate state, it was quite naturally perceived as a fearless male warrior god king battling to maintain ‘divine order’ (ma’at). Egyptian men in veneration, and in aspiring to emulate their astral king(s), accordingly portrayed themselves RED in colour.

Venus (The goddess of love and beauty), basically a boiling hot (enough to melt lead and zinc) cauldron of molten magma covered in thick dense YELLOW sulphuric clouds predominantly appeared as a yellow, sometimes golden orb. Unlike Mars which battled itself to death, Venus basically cooled down (something it is still doing) hence, from the perspective of earth this serene and passive nature deemed Venus as a divine female queen. The Egyptians again, in veneration, and in aspiring to emulate the named and renamed queen Venus, accordingly portrayed women’s flesh in the image of Venus – Yellow.
The Divine Couple, Mars and Venus.

On the left is a real true colour photo of the planet Venus, or as I contend, the divine queen Venus. As can be seen it is yellowish in colour. Now, imagine Venus much closer to earth further lit up by the sun as a golden yellow orb. We can now understand why the Egyptians choose to paint women yellow. I would even argue that the white attire worn by the female above (Nofret, top right) is also representative of the whitish yellow clouds enveloping Venus. Further, the spotted gown or dress worn by the female directly above, is also an illusion to how Venus once appeared in the not so distant past. The skies really did dictate everything!
Above right we have a true colour image of the RED planet Mars seen by OSIRIS. This is the warrior god king Mars. Named and renamed numerous times over as it appeared to move back and forth to earth (from the perspective of earth) in the guise of Egypt ‘s divine pharaohs. The Sun (Re) appeared as a red disk, Mars appeared as a red disk, this, the very reason why the divine astral monarchy were considered offspring of the son (Sa Re ‘son of Re) and the very reason why the red disk dominates Egyptian art. In veneration and in aspiring to be like the pinnacle of Egyptian society, the celestial warrior kings, the Egyptians duly portrayed themselves RED.

Inspired by planetary transits of the Red Sun.
I hasten to add this colour differentiation wasn’t always the case; depending on a multitude of things (location, light, chaos etc.) both Mars and Venus appeared in a variety of colours (even black, hence the Nubians rulers). This would be especially so of Venus who in the New Kingdom also emulated Mars as a red orb (the red disk seen through Venus’ clouds).
A point in case would be Hatshepsut, the queen who adorned traditional male regalia i.e. false beard, pharaohs’ kilt and ruled as a king. I identify Hatshepsut as just another name given to Venus and with Venus/Hatshepsut we have short period (a twenty two year reign) where Venus totally outsized and outranked ‘Pharaoh’ Mars. So much so, the Egyptian’s deemed Venus had to rule as a god king.
Hence, we have a female dressing up as a male and proclaiming herself Egypt’s divine pharaoh (the heavens dictate). This manifesting itself, for a start in her name e.g. Hatshepsut, “foremost of the noble women” and epithets along the lines of “like a god she brings peace and prosperity to Egypt” and “just and full of vitality like the sun god Re” (red sun) and of interest here, colour.

If I can draw your attention to the image depicting a statue of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahri (left). You will observe Hatshepsut’s flesh was once painted the same deep red normally associated with male pharaohs. This is indicative of Venus, on the very rare occasion of coming so close to earth, that the molten red glow of the planets surface is observed.
There is, I believe, another reason why the Egyptians painted their women yellow and men red. Here we look to the ordinary folk associating themselves with the countless ‘red’ asteroids and ‘yellow’ comets that dominated the skies only a few thousands years ago. The Egyptians with child-like naivety believed such bodies to be their astral ‘souls’ or ‘kas’ (see Egyptian dualism). Women, quite naturally relating to cometary bodies with their long ‘flowery’ yellow tails of dust and debris trailing in their wake. The men, ‘pairing-up’ with the red blooded lumps of rock, or asteroids.
The point being, a pattern was laid down early on with Mars taking on a distinctly reddish hue while Venus adorned a mainly yellowish (even golden) appearance. In addition, for the Egyptian’s to symbolically represent these basic colours, it stands to reason, both Mars and Venus must have orbited much closer to earth than they do today. And, they were, by all accounts clearly observed day and night courtesy of a diminished Red Sun (i.e. no glare).
Egyptian historical facts, traditions and artworks
Upper and Lower Egypt
Upper and lower Egypt, often termed as the ‘two lands’ has nothing whatsoever to do with a geological dissection of Egypt with an ‘invisible’ line drawn somewhere near Cairo!
The two lands were, quite simply heaven and earth. Two vibrant Egypt’s, one up one down, simplicity itself. The hemispherical dome of space and the sky giving the natural illusion of a fixed land mass canopying earth. ‘Unification,’ the very foundation upon which Egypt was built is simply a planetary body such as Mars in the guise of Egypt’s numerous god kings appearing to move (from the perspective of earth) back and forth between the firmament of heaven and a fixed flat earth. Hence, the very reason why the Egyptian monarchy were considered as intermediaries between heaven and earth – the mortal world and the domain of the gods.
Same size as the gods?

The divine monarchy of ancient Egypt are always shown the same size as Egypt’s deities.
The photo on the left is a typical example. Here we have ‘Ramesses the Great’ (Mars) in the middle flanked by Amun (aurora) on the left and Mut (aurora’s wife). Ramesses is shown the same size as the Egypt’s sky gods – he is commanding equal status as the gods. why was this?
There is nothing complicated here. The god king planets are depicted the same size as Egypt’s sky’s gods because they both inhabited the same celestial sphere – gods among gods.
Ancient cultures had no rules for kingship, why?
Here in England we know who is next in line for the throne, the succession is governed both by common law and statute. The heir apparent to Elizabeth II, the present Sovereign, is her eldest son, Charles, Prince of Wales. Next in line is Prince William of Wales, the Prince of Wales’s eldest son. The line of succession continues many fold with father to son taking priority. I believe my ranking runs into the hundreds of thousands and I don’t hold out much hope of kingship in the near future, but who knows.
The above is pretty much as you would expect and reminds me of Henry VIII who disposed of many wives in an attempt to produce a male heir.
It is very perplexing ancient cultures (Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamian cultures) did not adopt the very natural ‘keep it in the family’ succession. Unusually they had no rules for kingship and scholars do not know the criteria for who would be king in ancient times.
Such an unusual practice becomes self explanatory given the God King Scenario.
The movements of planetary bodies in the guise of god kings were, as you would expect, totally unpredictable. They randomly appeared to move back and forth in respect to earth. They sometimes fearlessly charged across the heavens, other times they appeared fixed on the horizon. Subsequently the attributes of said bodies continually changed resulting in many pharaonic name changes, historically recorded magical appearances and disappearances along with a very perplexing lineage of divine kings.
Moreover, given the unpredictability of the events above it was impossible for the ancients to predict who would be next in line for the throne – it was impossible to predict who would be king. This led to the very natural believe that it was the sky gods who dictated kingship, it was they who ordained the throne. Kingship, as recorded by the ancients, was lowered from the heavens by the gods – ‘Divine Order’ dictated all aspects of ancient life.