Venus: A New Planet – Born From Jupiter

Is Venus a New Planet?

Comet Venus
Comet Venus.
Comet Venus Crown
Compare the queens headdress to Venus above.
  • The Planet Venus

  • The Youthful Planet Venus

  • The baffling Geology of Venus

  • Venus: 100 % Volcanic Surface Proves Venus a New Planet

  • An Alternate View of Venus by John Ackerman

  • Is Venus A New Planet?

  • Venus and Earth: Twins Separated at Birth?

  • Planet Found With Comet-like Tail
    Comet Venus? Velikovsky suggested that Venus due to its recent birth from Jupiter took on the attributes of a comet.

  • Venus’ tail reaches all the way to earth.
    “Recently the Venus shadow, cast by the Sun, passed across the SOHO satellite (in Earth orbit), allowing SOHO to detect the plume of ions kicked out of Venus’ upper atmosphere by the solar wind.”(Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 24, p. 1163; New Scientist, 31 May.)

  • Venus’ Tail of the Unexpected
    The “induced magnetotail” that points away from Venus in the direction of the earth is a teardrop-shaped plasma structure filled with “a lot of little stringy things” that was first detected by NASA’s Pioneer Venus Orbiter in the late 1970s. In 1997, Europe’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Satellite showed that the tail stretched some 45,000,000 kilometres into space, more than 600 times as far as anyone had realized and almost far enough to “tickle” the earth when the two planets are in line with the sun. “In this sense”, scientists write,

    “Venus can be likened to a comet, which has an induced magnetotail of similar origin.”

  • Venus
    Venus has an ion-packed tail 45 million km/28 million mi in length that stretches away from the Sun and is caused by the bombardment of the ions in Venus’s upper atmosphere by the solar wind. It was first discovered in the late 1970s but it was not until 1997 that the Solar Heliospheric Observatory revealed its immense length.

  • Science: Planet’s tail of the unexpected
    ONE of our neighbouring planets can still pack a few surprises, it seems. Using satellite data, an international team of researchers has found that Venus sports a giant, ion-packed tail that stretches almost far enough to tickle the Earth when the two planets are in line with the Sun. “I didn’t expect to find it,” says team member Marcia Neugebauer of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. “It’s a really strong signal, and there’s no doubt it’s real.” NASA’s Pioneer Venus Orbiter first found the tail in the late 1970s. Around 70 000 kilometres from the planet, the spacecraft detected bursts of hot, energetic ions, or plasma. The tail exists because ions in Venus’s upper atmosphere are bombarded by the solar wind, a stream of plasma that blows out from the Sun.

  • The Venus Magnetotail
    The Venus tail does respond to solar activity and contains significantly less magnetic flux at solar minimum.”

  • The Solar System
    The plasma sheath of Venus is extremely long, almost touching the Earth when the two planets are at their closest approach. Jupiter’s plasma sheath has the same relationship with Saturn. Recently NASA astronomers have discovered what they call ‘stringy things’ in the long plasma tail of Venus. Such twisted (stringy) filaments are exactly the paths Birkeland currents take in plasmas. Apparently Venus is discharging an electrical current.

  • The Strange Venus Resonance
    “In the past Venus and Earth were synchronized by one or more close encounters.”
    (& here)

  • The Interior of Venus
    “Venus does not have much in the way of a magnetic field. There are different theories to explain this observation which has been verified by many of the satellites which have orbited the planet in the last few decades. The core of Earth is slowly solidifying and it is this process which creates the dynamo that generates our magnetic field. One theory is that the core of Venus was prevented from starting to solidify for some reason, so there is no dynamo and hence no magnetic field. “Comment: If Venus is a young body, then its core has not had time to solidify and create a magnetic field.
Comet Venus on YouTube.

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