The Egyptian Sky God Horus. Part 1 of 3.
The Horus-name given to celestial ‘doubles.’
The Horus name of a king is that which was given to his Ka, or ‘double,’ and it is written inside a representation of an object called the ‘Serekh’….”
(Budge, Book of Kings, Vol 1 p XIII)
It was, perhaps, not so much the man who was identified with Horus himself, but rather the ka of the pharaoh, which, created as the body’s twin, was an expression of the life force, rather than just an aspect of his person.
The Ka has been traditionally translated as some kind of invisible life force or ‘soul,’ this is totally incorrect. In a world dominated by cosmic chaos and observations of kingly planets appearing to move back and forth between Upper and Lower Egypt (living, dying & rebirth), the Egyptians developed the natural belief that astral bodies such as planets, comets and asteroids were the Kas or ‘doubles’ of themselves. Real physical astral personified ‘doubles’ that the earthly Egyptians believed they would join with (via the ba bird) after death, to journey too, and ultimately be reborn in the duel Egyptian world above (see Egyptian Dualism).
The naming of the kings Ka with the Horus name offers valuable support for my afterlife interpretation. Inasmuch as, we are able to take the whole Egyptian theology at face value – the Egyptians really were naming the kings Ka, only this was a real life planetary body and not some obscure invisible life force.
He shall be at the head of all the Kas (‘doubles’) of the living.
(Thutmose III: The Napata Stela)
My interpretation: Tuthmosis/Moon with numerous trailing satellites.
Golden Horus Name
In later times (important) the Egyptians added the golden Horus-name to the royal titulary. Scholars are completely baffled by this.
The golden Horus name represents the falcon god Horus perched on a symbol that usually represents ‘gold’ (image right). However, its meaning is hotly disputed.
The GKS suffers from no such reservations, and by applying the simple formula, Horus = resident god king planet (or planets), things become self evident. The golden Horus-name was added to the list of kings titles because in later times the astral monarchy many times adorned a golden hue. This would be especially so in the New Kingdom (circa 1,000 BC revised chronology) when errant planets not only orbited around earth (geosynchronous orbit) but also began to migrate towards the Sun. What this means is they now appeared sunside (between the earth and Re) – major events now begin to dominate the daytime sky, the upshot of which was planets appearing golden.

Photo credit: Steve F-E-Cameron (Merlin-UK).
The inscriptions fully corroborate this:
Tuthmosis III (“Born of Thoth” = Moon)
Horus of Gold Powerful of strength, Sacred of appearance.
He (Amun [aurora]) modelled me as a falcon of gold.
(Author parenthesis)
Tuthmosis (Moon) co-regent Hatshepsut (Venus) called herself “The Female Horus of Fine Gold.” (ibid)
This would be especially so of the Moon (Tuthmosis, one of many names), as even today the Moon can appear golden during the day (go out and look!).
Above right, the Hawk of the Pharaoh, Hatshepsut/Venus (Temple, Luxor)
Note (in this case) the overall golden (possibly reddish?) hue given to Horus and the disk of Venus/Hatshepsut (NOT THE SUN!). Also the addition of the cobra is highly significant and represents the lashing out of gigantic volcanic eruptions emanating from a sea of boiling hot lava on the surface of Venus. (See The Egyptian cobra goddess Wadjet).
The above gives us a basic platform for understanding the sky god Horus. We will now discuss some of his more prominent forms.
Harpocrates ‘Horus, the child.’
The Goddess Isis = the plane of the Ecliptic.
Although an invisible path traced out by the Sun to us, in ancient times the ecliptic was clearly seen. It was made visible as a result of incalculable amounts of dust and debris littering the plane of the elliptic. The sweep of the ecliptic was easily discerned as it arched across the heavens as a hazy band (mound) spanning up and out towards the relatively unwavering planets Jupiter (Ptah), Saturn (Sokar) and beyond. This was the very same dust and gases which hazed our Sun red. As mentioned above, the ecliptic ‘zone’ was deified as the Goddess Isis.
The ecliptic/Isis was a hive of activity as it not only gave birth to and housed the divine monarchy (and numerous other bodies) but also played a crucial role in their journey to the duel Egypt above (Isis is credited with inventing mummification). Isis was a bovine nurturing sky goddess whose countless titles and epithets are completely consistent with this unique identification.
“Praise to you, Isis, the Great One, God’s mother, Lady of Heaven, Mistress and Queen of the gods.” “Isis, giver of life, residing in the sacred mound.”
‘Lady of Heaven,’ ‘From whom all beginnings arose,’ ‘Opener of the year,’ ‘Lady of the new year,’ ‘Maker of sunrise.’ As a goddess of the sky (ecliptic) she was all of these and more.
In giving birth to the astral monarchy, Isis was the mother to the king and the throne of Egypt. This is echoed in the literal translation of her name (Isis name above) which means ‘She of the throne.’ It is noteworthy that the Isis name also contains an egg – this was undoubtedly symbolic of the ecliptic/sky/Isis giving birth.
Above all this, was the fact that since the kings were Horus incarnate, the primary role of Isis was that of mother to Horus. Or to put it another way, it was the ecliptic/Isis that fashioned the physical manifestation of the sky god Horus by means of the planetary kings.
The photo on the right depicts a bronze statue of Isis suckling Horus (king). With the above in mind, the iconography hear is clear. It represents the sky (Isis/ecliptic) nursing the infant Horus-king, born to the skies of earth. Herein lies the origin of an aspect of Horus known as Harpocrates, ‘Horus, the Child.’
“Horus the Child, son of Isis, son of Osiris, lord of the Abaton and of Philae.”
(Inscription at Dendur)
Isis is shown in the act of suckling Horus as a direct result of observations of pharaonic bodies actually sucking ‘white’ streams of material (milk) from a dust strewn solar system (analogy, Saturn’s moon Prometheus sucking material from its F ring, see Hathor). Hence Isis was also known as the ‘Great white sow of Heliopolis,’ and the ‘Isis Cow.’ Also note the cow horns, these represent the ‘housing’ of the red disks of the planets (and the red Sun).
This theme echoes throughout the ages; below is a famous medieval icon of Mary and Jesus (left) and Madonna and child and the right.
There is no doubt such symbolism finds its origins in Egyptian theology, and by extension cosmic chaos. I would take this a step further and suggest all the world major religions have their origins in recent upheaval in the solar system. Moreover, the key to understanding this lies with the god kings of the ancient Egyptians and the god-like kings of Mesopotamian cultures. I would further argue, to understand ancient Egypt is to understand cosmic chaos.
(For more information on Isis and many other deities may I refer you to my book Comet Venus).