
Extraterrestrial Banded Iron Formations

Proposal: Like so much of Earth’s sedimentary material, banded iron formations are extraterrestrial in origin.


Banded iron formation (BIF) is the principal source of iron. BIF is a rock type composed of alternating silica-and iron-rich bands. Banded iron formation is economically among the most important rock types as our society is heavily reliant on iron, which is mostly extracted from this rock.

Banded Iron Formation at the Fortescue Falls, Western Australia. Credit: Graeme Churchard

Banded iron formation consists of


Where did all the sand in the Sahara desert come from?

Vast dunes of the Sahara Desert. Origin: Vaporised rock from planet Mars, Aptly named the “God Of War.”

All scholars hold the view that the primary source of the world’s quartz sand and sandstone deposits is granite rock – that is to say billions of years of weathering and erosion of granite outcrops created the sand that forms our beaches, sandy deserts and sandstone deposits globally.


No amount of time or erosion by rainwater could ever produce such vast …


Were ancient battles documented accounts of wars in the heavens?

The idea that historical battles throughout the ancient world were a time ordered account of wars in the heavens continues …

Were ancient battles documented accounts of wars in the heavens?

Is cosmic chaos staring us in the face via ancient history?


Juno Probe: As predicted the “surprises” begin!

First results from Jupiter probe show huge magnetism and storms

Observations from the Juno spacecraft are confounding astronomers with revelations about the weather and magnetism of our solar system's biggest planet

New Scientist

As stated many times …

No such thing as gas giants. Both Jupiter & Saturn will turn out to be solid planets in absolute turmoil – a smoking gun of recent upheaval in the solar system.


The ‘great tilt’ that changed the face of Mars

Page not found Cosmos

In seems volcanic activity in the Tharsis region of Mars, the Solar System’s largest complex of volcanic rocks, caused a prominent bulge on the surface of the planet – the Tharsis dome. This in turn caused Mars to tilt over, reshaping its surface.

Valles Marineris.
An enormous scar on the surface of Mars.

More on this here & here.

Planetary scientists have got this one the wrong way round.

During numerous close encounters with earth …


Cosmic dust grains found on city rooftops for the first time

Micrometeorites (MMs) Cosmic dust grains found on city rooftops for the first time

Sifting through muck trapped in roof gutters in Paris, Oslo and Berlin yielded 500 tiny particles from the birth of the solar system 4.6 billion years ago

New Scientist

Misleading “first time” heading. Relatively old news. Iron micrometeorites (& stony MMs) falling to earth globally have been known about for many years. With a magnet I filtered out a good selection years ago in my backyard in …


Tutankhamun – a lunar deity or a crescent Mars?

Tutankhamun was depicted as a lunar god… why?

Tutankhamun – a lunar deity or a crescent Mars?

Molten Mars Blasted by the Solar Wind

Rewritten, revamped with loads more images.

The Tutankhamun Mars Pectoral

ET Sands Book & The Nexus Magazine

The Nexus Magazine have published a review (click on heading above) of my latest book “Extraterrestrial Sands” in their Oct/Nov Issue (vol. 23, no. 6). Nexus Magazine is available worldwide.


Celestial Horus kas or souls

The king not only united Upper and Lower Egypt but he was also the link between the human and divine worlds. Although the king himself was a human being, the office of kingship was divine; the human body of the king was a vessel in which divine kingship manifested itself in the form of the royal ka or life force that was passed on from one king to the next. The king was similar to, though not identical with,


A Revamped Hatshepsut-Venus

Venus in the Guise of Hatshepsut


Hathor, Isis, Ptah, Sokar, Atum & the “Sun of the Night,” Atum-Ra

Yet more erroneously labelled ‘mythical’ Egyptian deities granted real physical presence. The fact is they only make sense in a world shrouded in chaos. We culminate with the creator God Atum-Ra = Gegenschein! See GKS 26

Hathor, Isis, Ptah, Sokar, Atum & the “Sun of the Night,” Atum-Ra

Extraterrestrial Sands – Available Now!

Extraterrestrial Sands is available to buy now! Click here to view more.

Extraterrestrial Sands – Pre-order now!

My new book “Extraterrestrial Sands” will be in print in about 3/4 weeks. It is now available for pre-order here and here.


Quartz sand is anywhere and everywhere imaginable on the surface of the Earth. It forms the vast sandy Sahara and Arabian deserts, where dunes can reach a staggering 180 meters (600 ft) in height. It makes up the world’s immense sandstone deposits, forms our beaches and is present in most soils around the globe.

The question is: …


Third Book – Extraterrestrial Sands – Coming Soon!

Apologies for not updating my web for a while as I’ve been busy writing my third book. It should be available by the latest February 2016, possibly sooner.

‘Extraterrestrial Sands’ presents a complete contrast (understatement) to any previous work as it is centered the geological evidence for catastrophism…. notably, the fact that earth is strewn with dust and debris from Mars, in particular sand. I won’t say too much now other than leave you with the cover blurb draft.

“Quartz …


A Few Thousand Years Old?

One of my articles over at Thunderbolts Picture of the Day (TPOD):


Winged Disk

I’ve constructed a short YouTube clip giving my definition as to how and why the ‘winged disk’ emblem so often seen throughout the ancient world came about. See here Bearing in mind I’m no Spielberg.


Prediction Confirmed! – Mercury’s Iron Core

Prediction confirmed!

On July 26, 2010 I made the following calculated prediction. Verbatim quote (see here (scroll down)):

“A prediction: Mercury’s rocky outer shell will be found to be far thinner than expected (or the iron mass far larger).”

Now take a look at this recent news article titled ‘Mercury gets a dose of extra iron.’

 “Team members on the MESSENGER mission orbiting Mercury—with some help from Earth-based radar scientists—are reporting that Mercury’s iron core is even larger than


The Babylonian God of the Sun

Coming soon:

Shamash (Shemesh/Utu) the Babylonian God of the Sun – A hazed haloed Sun. NOT SATURN!


The Ram-Headed God Amun and the Magnetic Field of Mars.

The Ram-Headed Amun and the Magnetic Field of Mars.

The Ram-Headed Amun and the Magnetic Field of Mars (and for a time, Mercury)

The Blue Crown and Mars

Revamped: The Blue Crown and Mars.

The Blue Crown – Mars With Rings

Everything’s Electric

For those interested, my books are under discussion here and I post a lot of material under the name “The Aten.”


The Jet Stream as Apophis

Update: added quite a few more photos of the jet stream as seen from earth today, and of course my comments.

Re, the Red Sun and the Serpent Jet Stream Apophis

Re, the Red Sun, Apophis and the Monstrous Serpent Jet Stream.

Re, the Red Sun, Apophis and the Monstrous Serpent Jet Stream.

Re, the Red Sun and the Serpent Jet Stream Apophis

The Winged Disk

Horus Behdety, The Winged Disk. Part 3 of the Horus Gods.

Horus Behdety – The Winged Disk (Horus Gods – Part 3 of 3)

The Re Horus of the Horizons

Re-Horakhty, The Re Horus of the Horizons Part 2 of the Horus Gods

Horus Behdety – The Winged Disk (Horus Gods – Part 3 of 3)

The God Horus

After much diligent research – The God Horus Part 1

The Egyptian Sky God Horus. Part 1 of 3.

He Who is Fully Reborn Each Month

Tutankhamun, “He who is Fully Reborn Each Month” Only a planetary body can be reborn each month!


Pharaonic Names, Titles and Epithets

Update (Is Venus A New Planet?)

Added a few more articles to “Is Venus a New Planet?”:


Venus: A New Planet – Born From Jupiter


Update (Comet Venus)

Embedded a far superior Youtube video of Comet Venus here:


The God King Scenario